For strengthening the economic empowerment of domestic workers, NDWM launched new initiatives like skills training, supplemental income generation schemes and formation of domestic worker co-operatives.
The objective behind these initiatives was to promote collective bargaining for decent wages and working conditions besides helping the workers with self-employment activities to support extra income to improve decent living conditions.
These cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all domestic workers able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership. They are autonomous, independent self-help organizations controlled by their members.
The main goal of the skill training programs is to improve and standardize job skills of domestic workers. It is also aimed at improving the recognition and work standards of domestic workers and to enhance their employability as well as improve their standard of living.
These programmes were especially developed to help single head women domestic workers to empower the single head domestic workers to face the vulnerability and the stigma of being single in society.