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Minimum Wages

Minimum Wages

  • Notification for Minimum Wage Act for Domestic Workers passed in the following State governments: Kerala (23 May 2005), Andhra Pradesh (24 April 2007) and Rajasthan (4 July 2007).
  • Minimum Wage Act for Domestic Workers in Karnataka; the Act, passed on 01 April 2004, includes fixing minimum rates of wages for Domestic Workers
  • The Labour, Employment, Training & Factories department has fixed the minimum rates of wages in employment for Domestic Workers in Part-I of the Schedule of the Minimum Wages Act 1948. The Final Notification is of G.O. Ms. No. 119, Labour, Employment, Training & Factories (Lab II), 10 December 2007.
  • Tamil Nadu Government included the domestic workers under Minimum wage Act (August 2007); it is on the process of fixing minimum wages for domestic work.
  • Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu have brought domestic workers under the schedule of Minimum Wages Act (1948). Efforts are on in other states as well.