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The challenges faced by the millions of India’s domestic workers are multi-layered and in order to address this highly complex issue effectively, NDWM seeks to build engagement and support among a variety of stakeholders besides domestic workers.

You are an employer if you employ a worker in your household (either or full or part-time) to clean, cook, care for family members and assist with household chores. The Government of India supported the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 189 in 2011 which declares that domestic work is decent work that requires to be treated on par with other forms of labour. Learn more about the protections and working rights of domestic workers.

Policy makers
Many policymakers at the local, state and national levels have worked alongside NDWM and the coalition of domestic workers to create and support legislation that advances protections and rights for domestic workers. These legislative accomplishments (since 2008) have positively impacted more than 3 million domestic workers nationally, but there is still much more that needs to be done.

Domestic work is a growing sector with tremendous potential to increase productivity of India’s minimally educated and low skilled female workforce. Effective regulation and policy implementation at the national and state levels that recognizes the rights of domestic workers and regulates fair wages, working conditions and protections will have far reaching benefits not only for millions of domestic workers and their families, but also for India’s economic and social standing in the world.

Policy makers that are interesting in leading or supporting this issue are invited to contact us at ndwmcommunication@gmail.com

NDWM works collaboratively with individuals (human rights lawyers, advocates) and organizations in India and internationally to advance rights, fair working conditions and protections for domestic workers.There are many types of advocates such as lawyers, law students, activists; celebrities that can help us bring momentum to this issue.

To find out more about contributing your expertise, advice and influence to help this critical issue please contact us